Aging and Mixed Perturbation Training

researcher helps man walk

The aim of this project is to investigate the underlying mechanism of perturbation training, the scope of its generalization and retention in real-life fall prevention. In addition, this project explores the possibility of maximizing training effects on both slip and trip fall outcomes among community-dwelling older adults.

Project title:  “Aging and Mixed Perturbation Training to Reduce Falls in Locomotion”

Funding Agency : NIH/NICHD

Grant Account Number: 1R01AG050672 – 01A1

Principal Investigator: Tanvi Bhatt

Publications Heading link

Wang, S., Nguyen, T. K., & Bhatt, T. (2023). Trip-related fall risk prediction based on gait pattern in healthy older adults: a machine-learning approach. Sensors23(12), 5536.

Wang, S., & Bhatt, T. (2023). Kinematic measures for recovery strategy identification following an obstacle-induced trip in gait. Journal of Motor Behavior55(2), 193-201.

Purohit, R., Wang, S., & Bhatt, T. (2023). Effect of aging and cortical stroke on motor adaptation to overground gait-slips: quantifying differences in adaptation rate and adaptation plateau. Biomechanics3(1), 29-44.

Wang, S., Pai, Y. C., & Bhatt, T. (2022). Neuromuscular mechanisms of motor adaptation to repeated gait-slip perturbations in older adults. Scientific Reports12(1), 19851.

Wang, S., Pai, Y. C., & Bhatt, T. (2022). Kinematic synergies in over-ground slip recovery outcomes: Distinct strategies or a single strategy?. Gait & posture95, 270-276.

Wang, S., Pai, Y. C. C., & Bhatt, T. (2022). Gait Slip-Induced Fall-Type Assessment Based on Regular Gait Characteristics in Older Adults. Journal of Applied Biomechanics38(3), 148-154.

Wang, S., Wang, Y., Pai, Y. C. C., Wang, E., & Bhatt, T. (2020). Which are the key kinematic and kinetic components to distinguish recovery strategies for overground slips among community-dwelling older adults?. Journal of applied biomechanics36(4), 217-227.

Wang, Y., Bhatt, T., Liu, X., Wang, S., Lee, A., Wang, E., & Pai, Y. C. C. (2019). Can treadmill-slip perturbation training reduce immediate risk of over-ground-slip induced fall among community-dwelling older adults?. Journal of biomechanics, 84, 58-66.

Wang, S., Liu, X., Lee, A., & Pai, Y. C. (2017). Can Recovery Foot Placement Affect Older Adults’ Slip-Fall Severity?. Annals of biomedical engineering, 45(8), 1941-1948.

Wang, S., Liu, X., & Pai, Y. C. (2019). Limb collapse or instability? Assessment on cause of falls. Annals of biomedical engineering, 47(3), 767-777.

Wang, S., Bhatt, T., Liu, X., & Pai, Y. C. (2019). The Role of Recovery Lower Limb Segments in Post-Slip Determination of Falls Due to Instability or Limb Collapse. Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 1-11.

Wang, S., Varas-Diaz, G., Dusane, S., Wang, Y., & Bhatt, T. (2019). Slip-induced fall-risk assessment based on regular gait pattern in older adults. Journal of Biomechanics, 109334.

Wang, Y., Wang, S., Lee, A., Pai, Y. C., & Bhatt, T. (2019). Treadmill-gait slip training in community-dwelling older adults: mechanisms of immediate adaptation for a progressive ascending-mixed-intensity protocol. Experimental brain research237(9), 2305-2317.

Wang, Y., Wang, S., Bolton, R., Kaur, T., & Bhatt, T. (2019). Effects of task-specific obstacle-induced trip-perturbation training: proactive and reactive adaptation to reduce fall-risk in community-dwelling older adults. Aging clinical and experimental research, 1-13.

Lee, A., Bhatt, T., Smith-Ray, R. L., Wang, E., & Pai, Y. C. C. (2019). Gait speed and dynamic stability decline accelerates only in late life: a cross-sectional study in community-dwelling older adults. Journal of geriatric physical therapy42(2), 73-80.

Perturbation and neuroimaging

Patel, P. J., Bhatt, T., DelDonno, S. R., Langenecker, S. A., & Dusane, S. (2018). Examining Neural Plasticity for Slip-Perturbation Training: An fMRI Study. Frontiers in neurology, 9.

Bhatt, T., Patel, P., Dusane, S., DelDonno, S. R., & Langenecker, S. A. (2018). Neural mechanisms involved in mental imagery of slip-perturbation while walking: a preliminary fMRI study. Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience, 12.